Monday, August 9, 2010

In Which I Parlez Francais

Hello from The Village Hostel in Montmarte, Paris!

Had a great last night at BADA- dancing, food, and merriment all around. Woke up at the ungodly hour of 8 am to finish packing up my room. Met up with my family and got on the road at 9 am, making our way to the motherland-Wales. I fell asleep the way there, and woke up on the road somewhere in the Welsh hills surrounded by sheep.

We stopped in Welshpool, and continued on to Llanerfyl, the tiny town my great-great grandparents are buried in, and made bricks. It was really special going to the church they attended (parts of it are from 400 AD!), and seeing their graves. Anne Bourne's (my g-g-grandmother) said:

Life's race well run
Life's crown well won
Life's work well done
Now comes rest.

We saw the house they lived in, and across the street there were bits of bricks every where that they had made!

Drove the long drive back to London, and got into our teeny tiny hotel room, where we slept for a few hours before leaving in the morning for....


Julie and I got on the train (I had to chug my coffee very quickly since they didn't allow it past customs), and made our way into Paris, where we got our metro tickets and to our hostel without much more than a hitch. went to the Notre Dame, then went back and took a great nap. Woke up, took in Montmarte, and walked all the way to the opera house.

Tomorrow is a big day! We don't have long to get to every thing!

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