Sunday, July 25, 2010

In Which I get to the point

Pretty hectic week, with limited wifi! HIghlights from this week:

Going the The Eagle and Child, the pub where Tolkien, TS Eliott and CS Lewis met to have their philosophical discussions. The Lorca crew went together, and we had a good time making up songs on the way back.

Choosing to get a cheeseburger instead of going clubbing and met a girl in my program who was at the same All State Choir festival as me my junior year!

PLaying koosh ( a small rubber ball that you keep in the air) on the lawn, being told that that was a "ball game", which are not allowed, and using a seed pod to keep in the air instead.

Workshop with Fiona Shaw on Wednesday. She was so great!! I have an incredible exersize to do when working on scenes now.

Playing make-believe games in movement with my group. Lots of being the earth, being air, stuff like that. Then we skip around to music and freeze when the music turns off. Its' like a day at pre-school that is super applicable to theatre! Next week we start learning period dances! I'll be pretending I am in a Jane Austen movie for sure.

Evening festivities on Friday for the program. Went punting on the Thames with my movement and voice teachers, had a delicious dinner, then danced to some good 70s' music.

Woke up early Saturday morning and took the bus into London, where we saw As You Like It at the Old Vick, directed by sam Mendes. It was amazing! The actress who played Rosalind won an Obie for her performance, and the cast was a combination of english and american actors. After that we saw The Habit of Art, a new Alan Bennet play at The National Theatre. It was really funny, and reminded me of Noises Off.

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