Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sunday: In which I eat a burger


Sunday morning I was tired out by the past two nights, so I kept hitting “off” on my alarm until about 11:30, which annoyed me since I actually needed to get a lot of work done. Met with my scene partner again for lunch at Morton’s sandwiches and a rehearsal. We are doing the Richard/ Anne (Act I.ii) scene from Richard III, a really good scene that I’m pretty excited about.

While I was walking around campus I ran into some students playing koosh (a keep-in-the-air game with a small bouncy elastic ball) . This kept us entertained for awhile, and some kids and their parents even came to play with us for a bit. We ended the game when it was time for our Q and A session with Kelly Hunter and Greg Hix, the actors from the RSC who played Leontes and Hermione in the production we saw the night before. They gave some really good advice and insight into their work and Shakespeare’s plays. My favorite was when they talked about a child actor in the company who was so good at first, until he became embarrassed by his imagination. A lot of adult actors try so hard to get back to the ease that imagination comes to kids, and it was a good reminder to strive towards that.

Got dinner at a burger place nearby with my modern scene partner, Louisa, where we chatted and discussed our scene, New World Order by Harold Pinter. After that I took a walk around Oxford where I ran into Victoria and a few other people. We explored around Christ’s Church and played Pooh Sticks on a bridge.

Another rehearsal with Chris, and memorization before bed!

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